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Early Education Home School Basics
to Inspire Genius!

Inspire Genius / Grades PreK–2
Meet Up Group with Ms. Kathleen

Science Explorium Museum, 11:30 – 12:00 p.m. 

Come explore the museum and enjoy friends on a regular basis.
($5 Donation to Museum at door appreciated)

Lunch 12:00 – 12:40 p.m.

Join us for lunch and bring your own, or pizza $2/slice.

Sugar Sand Park Pavillion 3 and Basketball hoops.

Bring chalk, jump rope, balls, or just bring yourself!

Our Tapestry Students Grades 3-8 will be joining us.

No Class 3/24 for Spring Break.  Meet up ends after May 8, 2020.

Come see us at the park!

Tip #1

Homeschool Early Education Resources

Resources, Resources, Resources!

There are so many resources out there to make this easy for us now. Here are a few that I have used and enjoyed...  Good luck! You can do it!


I know technology isn't the best choice for everything... but this one is AWESOME! I still remember trying to do flashcards and posters to have my oldest memorize the alphabet. It took forever! I have literally spent no time reviewing this with my younger children, and just yesterday at the Eye Doctor, my 4 year old impressed everyone with all of the letters she was able to read. I give all credit to, and maybe some older sibling help. We have it on our ipad, as well as the free version on the computer. Every day she has "preschool on the computer" time, and this is what she is learning. When they're bored and want a movie, I suggest Pre-school, and we do that first. Sometimes the movie idea even disappears!

Tip #2  Dry Erase markers and writing board

I have a huge Dry Erase board on my kitchen wall. That gets used by my pre-schooler more than anyone else. Pictures, learning to write, etc. all happen there every day, and we can compliment her on how great they are because we see them.  You can get them for $20 at Walmart when it's the beginning of the school year... otherwise, you'll spend way more at an Office Supply store when it's offseason.  IKEA sometimes has them too, but they are smaller and you hang them right next to each other to make a large board.  No edges.

Tip #3 "Minutes with Me"

This curriculum "Minutes with Me" is great.  I discovered it during its first prototypes, and it became one of our favorite items.  As this is the new and improved curriculum that she is now selling, it's all I can recommend. I believe they have a free downloads page too for a few items.  The idea is simple though... Seasons, games, talk about things together.  It's easy to improvise on this idea as well.

Tip #4  "5 in a Row" and "Before 5 in a Row"

This is one of my favorite curriculums. It is all based around literature. I only have one of these books, but it has been well used. I would recommend5 in a Row, by Jane C. Lambert, if you only want to get one... because the kids grow up and you can keep using it. I ended up purchasing many of the books that the lessons are about. It was quite an investment but has made a lasting impression on my kids and my home. My kids feel that those books are their friends.

Tip #5 Math Manipulatives

Saxon Math has a box of math manipulatives that you can purchase. That was one of the best investments I ever made. Also, there are teacher stores where you can buy more stuff like this.  (ACE is a local store on Sample near 441 in South Florida where you can find many great finds.)  Tangram puzzles, Cuisenaire rods, Shapes puzzles, etc. I have 3 drawers of math and learning manipulatives that we use constantly.

Tip #6 Poetry and Skip Counting CD's.

Institute for Excellence in Writing has a poetry CD.
Or Shel Silverstein reading his own poetry is awesome.

Classical Conversations has awesome Skip Counting Songs. Or you can get the 100 Counting Sheep Soundtracks.

*I personally like the older Classical Conversations Skip Counting Songs the best for memorizing math facts.  The songs that only go up to x12.  You can download their ap which has the newer versions, up to x15, or google CC Skip Counting Songs, and look for the year 2016 or older. 

Link to someone singing the version we use in class:

Skip Counting the 2's 

Skip Counting the 3's

Skip Counting the 4's

Skip Counting the 5's

Skip Counting the 6's

Skip Counting the 7's

Skip Counting the 8's

Skip Counting the 9's

Skip Counting the 10's

Skip Counting the 11's

Skip Counting the 12's

Skip Counting the 13's

Skip Counting the 14's

Skip Counting the 15's


See you on Thursday Mornings!
10:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.

For Grades Pre-K through 2nd Grade, we provide the opportunity to ask questions, be with homeschool friends,

and learn of opportunities that abound for this wonderful age group in Boca Raton. The Sky's the Limit!

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